Friday, August 23, 2019

Pepperdine University Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Pepperdine University - Essay Example I have also participated in the Model United Nations (MUN) program and subsequently volunteered as administration staff. As a consequence of my active involvement and demonstrated leadership I received an award for the â€Å"Best Admin Staff†. As a MUN member, on a trip to Jordan, we helped: to reconstruct a broken down school in a poverty-stricken area; built fences and walls; constructed a basketball court and set-up the hoops; painted the walls; fixed the windows; and, read and played soccer with the children. For the past three years, I have worked as a Kid ´s counselor in a Summer Camp. This experience led me to develop my leadership skills, be in charge of a group aged 8-11, and assume responsibility for the group ´s tasks deliverance. Some of my hobbies are track and field and running. I am not only inclined to sports activities, I am also culturally interested in the fine arts. I play the piano and love to listen to music. Being part of Pepperdine University will broaden my horizons and will allow me to discover and explore a variety of people with whom I will be able to share my experiences and my background. Becoming a Business Management undergraduate will equip me with the necessary tools to work with faculty that are involved in research topics in this area and with whom I will be an asset to work with given my seriousness in working and experiences. I hope Pepperdine University gives me the opportunity to achieve my goals and expand on my future endeavors concerning Business Management.

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