Sunday, August 18, 2019

Etiology of Developmental Dyslexia Essay examples -- Psychology Learni

Etiology of Developmental Dyslexia The long disputed debate about the primary cause of dyslexia is still very much alive in the field of psychology. Dyslexia is commonly characterized as a reading and writing impairment that affects around 5% of the global population. The disorder has frequently been hypothesized to be the result of various sensory malfunctions. For over a decade, studies have made major contributions to the disorder's etiology; however, scientists are still unclear of its specific causal. Initially, dyslexia was thought to be a reading disorder in children and adults (1). Later it was suggested to consist of both a visual and writing component, therefore characterizing it as more of a learning disability which affected people of normal intelligence's ability to perform to their fullest potential (5). In the current research, cognitive and biological perspectives have often been developed independently of one another failing to recognize their respective positions within the disorder's etiology. The Phonological Deficit and Magnocellular theory are two of the most dominant theories in dyslexic research. Various theories have been suggested to explain the nature and origin of dyslexia, however, they often served as additional support for either the phonological or magnocellular theories. The Double Deficit theory suggested that dyslexic symptoms were the result of speed-processing (7). The Genomic theory posed that dyslexia was a highly heritable disorder that can be localized to a specific genetic component, Finally, the Cerebellar Deficit theory suggested that dyslexia was the result of an abnormal cerebellum exist (2). With the constant debate of the biological nature versus the cognitive natur... ...explanation of temporal processing and phonological deficit theory of dyslexia. 5), Article discussing the two most prevalent theories of dyslexia; the magnocellular and phonological theories. 6) Infotrac, Article describing the double deficit hypothesis of dyslexia. NON-WEB REFERENCES 7).To see but not read; the magnocellular theory of dyslexia. Stien, J. & Walsh, V. TINS v20 1997 pages 147-152.

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